
Best Text editor for web development

Best Text editor for web development

in this article i will share with you five best text editor for web development which are use every one and some body  not aware from it so in this article we will aware from best text editor tools for web developer if you are professional web developer then you must use these text editor tools and if you are begginer  in web development then also i will suggest for you what tools best for you so read the complete article

1-Adobe Dreamwearver cc

the first text editor tool is adobe dreamweaver cc  this tools is used many developer because the functionality of adobe dreamweaver is larg you can design and develope website very quick because in adobe dreamweaver you can design website without coding if you want to design table in dreamweaver you just drag table like Microsoft word and code will be generated  the back of your table in adobe dreaweaver cc you can design responsive website very quick  so you can download adobe dreamweaver from its offical website http://www.adobe.com/products/dreamweaver.html
adobe dreamweaver
adobe dreamweaver

2-Sublime text editor

the second best text editor is sublime text editor mostly web developer use sublime text editor i,m also using sublime text editor if you are expert in web development then you use sublime text editor  its more color full so the look of sublime editor is very beautiful and in sublime editor close tage of html is auto created you just type start tage and close tage will be auto create you can download sublime from its offical website http://www.sublimetext.com/2
2-Sublime text editor

3-bracket text editor

third one is bracket text editor this editor is also useful text editor and close tage is created auto same to sublime editor and coding color is colorful and you can use its for PSD file you can google it for how to use bracket text editor for PSD layout i dont have information about than and its free you can free download it  download from offical website  http://brackets.io/
bracket text editor
bracket text editor

4-Notepade++ text editor

notepade++ text edite is better for begginer level developer because in notepade++ you will be type all of code from your hands its not auto created very tage and code you will be type from hands
so if you are begginer in web development i will suggest for you to use notepade++ text editor and its also free download from offical website https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.8.3.html
notepade text editor

5-Atom text editor

Atom is the most popular text editor its totally free editor atom is consist of a lot of plugins and a lot of themes you can install beautiful themes free and for fast coding you can install emmet plugin and more plugins download atom text editor Free https://atom.io/
atom text editor
atom text editor

Best Text editor for web development Best Text editor for web development Reviewed by Shakil Khan on 23:37 Rating: 5

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